
How does it work?

The Process has a flexible structure, with no central coordination mechanism. From 2014 to 2019 the annual summits each hosted by an EU member state. The summit in 2020 was will co-hosted jointly by Bulgaria and North Macedonia. 

The process proceeds through a series of meetings:

  • Annual meetings of the WB6 and the respective Berlin Process host countries at the level of Prime Ministers and Ministers, with high-level representatives of the EU and member states, international financial institutions, and regional organisations involved in the Process – the Western Balkans Summits
  • Annual meetings of the region’s civil society, youth, and businesses
  • Preparatory and the ministerial level, currently the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Health, Interior, and Economy
  • Preparatory meetings of the civil society, youth, and businesses,
  • annual conferences of the national academies of sciences.

The Berlin Process led to a sequence of significant results in all four areas of regional cooperation - the areas of economic, political and security policy, social as well as the field of ecological change.